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Tuesday, February 28, 2012 ▲ 7:33 AM ▲ 0 friend(s)

Hi! I didn't really update like I have promised hahaha! But please~ who kept their promises so well these few days? Definitely not me. :) okay~ out of point. I just celebrated my birthday! Yay!!! I'm 16 now~ :) it's late now do in just gonna update a little bit. If tmr can on my comp then MAYBE I'll update! :) nights!

내게 거짓말을 했어. 난 다시 당신을 믿어요해야할지 말아야할지 몰라요. 매우 상처가 바보처럼 취급될 수 있습니다. 일단 물릴 때, 두 번 수줍어, 세 번 바보입니다